choosing the right sperm vial

Choosing The Right Sperm Vial For You: A Simple Guide

Ah, yes, sperm vials. Who knew choosing sperm could be so…involved? You want to choose the right sperm vial for you, but with so many options, how do you know which is right for you? Whether you are just getting started on your journey to parenthood or have already chosen your clinic – you will need to know what vial type of donor sperm to purchase. This article is all about helping you figure that out.

choosing the right sperm vial for your needs

Choosing The Right Sperm Vial

When choosing the right sperm vial for your needs, there are several options to consider. You’ve got IUI vials, ICI vials, ART vials, and sometimes even IVF and ICSI vials. You’ll hear potentially confusing terms like prewashed or unwashed. And let’s not forget about vial grades, which can range from “pretty good” to “super swimmers.” So whether you’re looking to inseminate at home or a clinic, there’s a vial out there for you.

IUI Vials

IUI (Intrauterine) vials are the most common type of vial purchased, regardless of treatment, and the perfect choice for those who want extra help on their journey to parenthood. These vials are designed explicitly for intrauterine insemination, making them an excellent option for those working with a healthcare provider.

IUI vials arrived “washed,” which means the semen has been processed to remove any non-sperm components, such as seminal fluid and other cells. This process is essential because it helps to increase the chances of a successful pregnancy by increasing the concentration of healthy, viable sperm in the sample. The washing process also helps to reduce the risk of any adverse reactions or infections that the non-sperm components could cause. Overall, choosing a washed vial of sperm can be a good option for those working with a healthcare provider and looking to increase their chances of a successful pregnancy.

ICI Vials

ICI (Intra-cervical) vials are designed for those who want to inseminate at home or in a more relaxed environment. These vials are not washed like IUI vials, which means they contain more naturally occurring seminal fluid and other cells.

ICI vials are not as commonly available, as the semen sample must meet higher quality standards. As a result, there may be fewer available for purchase. If you get your hands on one, it can be used for all insemination procedures; however, if you want to use your ICI vial for an IUI or IVF procedure, your healthcare provider will need to wash it first.

ART Vials

ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology) vials can come both washed or unwashed and contain a lower motile cell count (TMC) than other IUI (washed) or ICI (unwashed) vials. If you know your care plan includes an IVF or ICSI procedure, where higher numbers of sperm cells are not required, an ART vial could be suitable for your needs.

If your chosen donor only has ART vials available, combining them for other treatment types is possible. We recommend you speak with your healthcare team to find out if this is an option for your treatment.

IVF & ICSI Vials

IVF (In vitro fertilization) vials, as the name implies, are specifically designed for use during in vitro fertilization procedures. These vials have a limited number of motile sperm cells, come unwashed, and may require additional processing prior to your procedure.

ICSI (Intra-Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection) vials are explicitly designed for use during ICIS procedures. The vials are washed but have fewer total motile cells than other washed vials. As the name states, ICSI vials are an excellent option for ICSI treatments.

If your care plan includes an IVF or ICSI procedure, these could be the vial for you. However, you may notice that your sperm bank does not offer IVF or ICSI vials. For example, Fairfax Cryobank has chosen to phase them out altogether in order to better serve its customers.

Vial Quality & Standards

Vial TypeTotal Motile Cells (TMC) / mlClinical Use
IUI10 million / vialVials arrive washed and ready for IUI (Intrauterine insemination)
ICI15 million / vialVials arrive ready for ICI (Intra-cervical insemination), or can be washed by your healthcare provider for use in IUI or IVF
ART IUI> 6 million / vialVials arrive ready for IUI and can also be used for IVF
ART ICI> 6 million / vialVials arrive ready for ICI, or can be washed by your healthcare provider for use in an IUI or IVF
IVF5 million / vialVials arrive ready for ICI, or can be washed by your healthcare provider for use in an IUI or IVF

*Please note that these are averages across multiple sperm banks. For more detailed numbers, check your chosen sperm bank’s resources.

Types of Insemination & Which Vial to Choose

Types of insemination procedures and which vial to choose


As you embark on your journey to parenthood, it’s essential to consider the various sperm vial options available and select the one that best suits your unique situation. Whether you’re looking to inseminate at home or with the help of a healthcare provider, there is a vial out there for you. Remember to speak with your healthcare team to determine which vial is the best choice for your treatment plan. We hope you’ve found this article insightful and leave here with a sense of confidence as you move towards starting your family. Baby dust to all!

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